January 15th: Here’s what happened at the Statehouse this week

This Wednesday, January 13 was the deadline for Representatives to file bills in the House. Today, January 15 is the deadline for bills in the Senate to be assigned to committees. 

What happens when the bills make it to committees?

Legislators hold hearings on bills in their respective committees. Bills are amended, accepted or rejected in committee. Click here to learn more about how a bill becomes law in Indiana. 

What are the names of the committees:

Here is a full committee list.  The bills we are following this session are housed in a number of committees, including:

Employment, Labor and Pensions House committee 

Courts and Criminal Code House committee 

Looking for the chance to attend a community meeting about the legislative session? If you live in Elkhart County, put this event on your calendar!

Elkhart County 

Meeting host: South Bend Regional Chamber

Friday, January 29, 2021 at noon 

Click here 

Statehouse News:

Read about the measures being taken to protect the Statehouse in the face of riot threats. 

Check back here next week for more legislative updates, including our 2021 bill tracker!