Your contribution TODAY is a gift that leads to a brighter future ... for women here in Indiana. Right now, a male-dominated legislature writes our state's laws regarding women's rights. But Women4Change weighs in year after year, in a bipartisan fashion, to improve those laws ... and pass better laws. Women4Change also works hard to get out the vote. The goal: if we can't change the laws undermining women's rights, we'll change the legislature itself ... eventually.

Yes, it's a long game. Which is why YOUR support and commitment are essential ... and will remain so for years. We CAN do this ... together ... for all Hoosier women!

Your donation mobilizes women to engage effectively in civic affairs in order to strengthen our democracy and to advocate for the leadership, health, safety, and dignity of all women in Indiana. Women4Change Indiana is a registered 501(c)3 corporation, and your gifts are tax-deductible.

The Women4Change Indiana Action Fund petitions the government on behalf of Hoosier women and actively seeks to create positive change by influencing public policy through advocacy. We are a nonpartisan organization that does not endorse any particular party or candidate for public office.

A scholarship fund for an outstanding student leader demonstrating excellence in service as part of a Women4Change Indiana collegiate chapter.

If you are having trouble viewing our donation forms, please try reloading the page or clicking on the titles. If you still find yourself unable to load the form please contact our Communications Coordinator.



Women4Change Indiana is a 501(c)3 organization recognized by the IRS, deeming it an eligible nonprofit organization to make grants through Donor Advised Funds. If the advisory company you’re working through does not have Women4Change registered, they can reach out to us at for our IRS documentation. That, or you can reach out to us and we can provide you with that same information to share with them.



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