Quick facts:

  • More than one third (54) of Indiana General Assembly races were unopposed in the last general election.

  • 36 of the 100 races for Indiana State Representative were uncontested in 2018.

  • In Indiana, “Republicans generally win 53 to 57% of the votes in state legislative races, but have drawn the maps with such surgical precision that they now find themselves in 71 to 80 of seats in Indiana House and Senate, respectively.” (Krull, Feb. 4, 2016)

  • A 2014 study by the University of Chicago found Indiana’s House districts to be among the most gerrymandered and partisan districts in the country.

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how does redistricting impact indiana?

  • Decreased voter turnout; voters believe that their vote does not count

  • Political parties are able to protect their districts from the opposing party due to new computerized data analysis

  • Qualified candidates do not run for office and incumbents stay in office due to affluence and votes

  • Candidates from the “radical fringes” of both parties run for office

  • Threatens the fabric and legitimacy of our democracy

The breakdown:

When legislative districts are drawn from a partisan perspective—rather than by communities of interest, like cities and counties, school districts, neighborhoods and minority groups—communities are often divided. Unable to make an impact through voting, these communities’ interests aren’t represented in Indiana legislature—which is why, for instance, there is still no legal definition of consent in Indiana, and it is still not legally required for employers to pay employees of different races, genders, and sexual orientations the same amount for the same job.

Indiana’s current process for establishing voting districts leads to noncompetitive districts and low voter turnout. The state legislature carries out redistricting every ten years, which is after each U.S. census. State legislatures use redistricting to shape the outcomes of elections in their favor. Hoosiers deserve to have their voices heard at the polls—and the current system in place is preventing them from doing so.

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Women4Change is working to end the current process for establishing districts that leads to noncompetitive districts and low voter turnout. We will continue to fight for independent review commissions and fair districts, representative of all Hoosiers. During the second half of the 2022 legislative session, we are advocating against House Bill 1116. Learn more on our 2022 Bill Tracker.


  • You contact your legislators directly by using our EveryAction link. Through the tool, you can email and call your Indiana representative and senator demanding that they prioritize redistricting reform.

  • Sign up to become an Action Advocate. You’ll receive emails with the latest details from the Statehouse that tell you where you need to be and when—including information such as committee hearing times, room changes, bill updates, and other pieces of legislative information that can change in an instant.